Creating and Using Groups in Schoology - For Administrators

To create a group, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Groups at the top of Schoology. 
  2. Select My Groups.
  3.  Click Create Group on the right.
  4. Write a Description 
  5. Set Privacy to customize who can view the group. 
  6. Set Access to customize who can join the group. 
  7. Click Create to finish. 

Once you have created a group, you are now a Group Admin.  In your Groups drop-down menu, groups you administer are marked by the shield icon. Inside the group, you have some of the same tools that a course does. You can create discussion groups, upload documents, and share groups.

Group Discussions 

Group discussions are a great way for members to engage in interests outside or in conjunction with the classroom. To add a discussion to your group, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Groups in the top menu and select a group you administer. 
  2. Click Discussions in the left-hand menu. 
  3. Click Add Discussion
  4. Add a title and description (optional) to the discussion. 
  5. Click Create to complete. 


By default, any member can add discussion threads to the group. If you are a group administrator, you can limit this ability to only other group administrators. To do so, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Groups in the top menu and select a group you administer. 
  2. Go to Group Options in the left menu of the group page and click Edit Privacy/Group Settings
  3. Use the Create Discussions option to enable or disable this feature. 
  4. Click Save Changes to complete. 


Group Resources 

Group Resources is an area for members to share files and links that pertain to their interests. One of the unique features of this area is that you may allow other members to add them to the Resources section. 

To allow members to add resources, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Groups in the top menu and select a group you administer. 
  2. Go to Group Options in the left menu of the group page and click Edit Privacy/Group Settings
  3. Use the Create Resources option to enable or disable this feature. 
  4. Click Save Changes to complete. 


Group Albums 

Group Albums are another great way for members to share photos and media files with each other. Photos can be cropped and rotated after you add them. You may allow commenting on each item within an album. You can also tag users in uploaded photos, or allow students to upload and tag media as well. 

As Group Admin, you must add media albums in the group in order for members to participate in the albums. To add an album, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Groups in the top menu and select a group you administer. 
  2. Click Albums
  3. Click Add Album
  4. Add a title and description (optional) to the album. 
  5. The option to Allow Comments will allow members to add comments to uploaded photos and media. 
  6. The option to Allow Students to Add Media will allow members of the course to upload photos and media to the album. This will also allow students to edit or delete only the content they have uploaded to the album. 
  7. Click Create to complete.  

For additional information on Groups, please visit the Schoology guide at the following link: Guide to Schoology Groups (

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