Overview of Parent Accounts in Schoology for Schools

Parent accounts in Schoology allow Parents and Guardians of students in your school access to their child’s courses and info in Schoology. The information parents and guardians can see through a Schoology Parent Account includes:

  • Grades
  • Courses
  • Groups
  • Work Submissions
  • Teacher feedback and comments

In addition, Parents and Guardians will be able to message teachers at their Child’s School.

Parent Codes are already available in Schoology. To get the codes for a student, Teachers must go to their course page, select members on the right side, and click “Parent Access Codes” in the green box on the right side. This will allow them to download a spreadsheet that will include the students in their course, and a unique code for each student. Your school can choose to distribute those codes however best suits the needs of their school, and parents can use the code to sign up for Schoology using the provided parent instructions. For more information, see this article: https://springfieldpublicschools.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1908/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=114590

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