Study Sync, a curriculum platform from McGraw Hill, can be connected with Schoology. When the two platforms are connected, students can complete Study Sync Assignments directly in Schoology and grades on Study Sync Assignments can automatically passback to the gradebook in Schoology. Please follow the steps in this guide to set up the connection between the two platforms.
Linking Study Sync Courses Through Schoology
*NOTE: this set up process is slightly different if you have linked sections in Schoology. If you have not done that, then you can safely proceed. If you have linked courses, skip down to the section "Paring Linked Sections"
To first set up the pairing between Study Sync and Schoology, open the Schoology Course you would like to pair. Then, on the materials page, select "Add Materials" and on the right side of the menu that pops up, select "McGraw Hill LTI 1.3:...".

This will open up a new window which will display the name of the course you are currently in. If it is a course that you teach multiple sections of, all of those sections will be displayed. You should complete the following steps for ONLY the section you are currently in (for example if you got to this menu from English 8: Section One, only select Section One from this menu). For that section, click the "Pair" button.

This will open up a new window with a list of your courses. This list is drawn from PowerSchool, and should show every class for which you are listed as a teacher. Find the course that matches the course you selected (for example, if you selected Section One on the previous screen, select that matching section here). Note, it is important here that you select the right course. If you need to confirm, you can check the student roster in PowerTeacher Pro.

Once you have identified the matching course, click the "Select Button". Once you have done that, you can now click on the "Save Pairings" button on the course pairing page.

Now your courses are paired! To complete the set up, you should now hit the "Create Primary Section" Button
And your course is ready to go! If you hit the "Launch Primary Section" button, you will be taken to the main menu for adding assignments and syncing grades between the two platforms.
Adding Assignments and Syncing grades from Study Sync to Schoology
Note: For grade passback to work between Study Sync and Schoology, students have to open the assignments through Schoology. If they log into Studysync though Clever, the grades will not pass to the course in Schoology.
From your Schoology course Page, go back to the Add Materials menu, and select the "McGraw Hill LTI 1.3:..." option. Once in this menu, click "Launch Primary Section".

This will bring up the menu for the connection between Study Sync and Schoology. If you have not yet added any assignments in Study Sync, you can use the Add Assignments button to do so. This will open up Study Sync in a new window. For support in adding in assignments in the Study Sync Platform, please visit the Study Sync Support Page.

Once back in the menu, you will see any newly created assignments under "Sync Assignments". If you hit the button that says "Sync Assignments", it will send those assignments onto your materials page in Schoology where students will be able to access them.

Once students have completed the assignments in Study Sync, you will be able to transfer the grades into Schoology using the Re-Sync Grades button. This will auto-populate the grades from any Study Sync Assignments into Schoology.

Pairing Linked Sections
If you are using the linked sections feature in Schoology, the process for linking your courses to Study Sync will work slightly differently. When you are in the Study Sync Linking menu, you will see a list of all sections of the course. For example, if you teach two sections of Eighth Grade English, then you will see both of those sections listed, no matter which of those two sections from which you open the McGraw Hill menu.

Instead of just pairing one section, as we did in the previous example, you will pair any of the sections that are linked together, and then make one of those sections as the "Primary Section". For example, if you have linked together, in Schoology, your Eighth Grade English: Section One and Eighth Grade English: Section Two classes, you will pair both of those sections to their matching section using the "Pair" button, and then select just one of the two sections to be the "Primary Section". This then will allow you to create and sync assignments just once for the two linked sections. Once you have created the primary section, all of the other steps remain the same for creating and syncing assignments.