After you add a portfolio, you can build it with content added from your assignments submitted in Schoology, from your computer, from online links, and from web pages created directly in your portfolio.
Note: Items housed in your Resources cannot be added to Portfolios.
You can add files from your computer to a portfolio by dragging and dropping one or more files onto the field below the Portfolio Items button. Alternately, you can click Portfolio Items and then:
To add Schoology assignments you've previously submitted in a course:
- Click Assignment Submissions.
- Select the course in which you submitted the assignment.
- Select the course in the list and then click Add Submission.
You can also submit an assignment to a portfolio from the assignment itself by clicking the Submit to Portfolio button
in the Submissions area on the right side of the page.
Note: Assignment Submissions that were submitted through the OneDrive Assignments app are not supported in Portfolios. Instead, students can export the document and add as a file or add the direct URL shareable link using the instructions below.
To add files from your computer:
- Click File and browse to the location where you’ve saved the content.
- To add the file, highlight and then click Open, or just double-click it.
The portfolio item automatically takes the file name as its title, but you can edit the title by clicking into the text box.
To add web links:
- Click Link/URL to open the Add a Link window.
- Paste a URL to add a web page.
- Paste a video embed code to add an embedded video. For example, from YouTube or Vimeo.
The portfolio item automatically takes the webpage or embedded video’s name as its title, but you can edit the title by clicking into the text box.
To add a web page:
- Click Page.
- Enter a Title and Description for the page.
- Use the Rich Text Editor to design a page within your portfolio.
- Use the Insert Content tool to add multimedia, links, items from your Schoology Resource Apps, and more to your Page.
- As you build your web page, click the Preview button in the upper-right, above the Rich Text Editor, to see how the page will look when published.
Note: Your Portfolio automatically saves once you have completed an upload, or once you have finished typing and clicked your cursor out of the text field. However, note that if you are experiencing poor Internet connectivity, auto-save may not function correctly. Check the auto-save timestamp in the upper right of your Portfolio item to ensure it is saving as you work.