This folder contains information on Portfolios within Schoology.

Articles (6)

Adding Item(s) to a Portfolio

After you add a portfolio, you can begin to build it with content added from your assignments submitted in Schoology, from your computer, from online links, and from web pages created directly in your portfolio.

Editing Item(s) in a Portfolio

After you’ve added items to your portfolio, click on the content card to open it and add details or make changes.

Exporting Your Portfolio

Instructors and students can export their Schoology Portfolios as ZIP files so they can archive their work and continue to access it even if they no longer have access to their Schoology accounts.

How to Create a Portfolio

This article teaches you how to create a portfolio within Schoology.

Portfolio Page Layout

This article focuses on the layout of a Portfolio within Schoology.

Sharing Your Portfolio

From a Portfolio's More Options menu  you can generate a private link that enables anyone to view your portfolio even if they are not logged into Schoology (or don't have a Schoology account). For example, if you have a Portfolio for a college admissions application, you can generate a link to share with admissions counselors