PowerTeacher Pro and Schoology Grade Passback Discrepancy Checklist

❏     From Grade Setup in the Schoology course, select each category and ensure that the calculation method is set to Total Points. Categories in PTP should also be set to Points, not Percent; score entry points on each category need to be set to 100 or left in blank. Weights are set up in Traditional Grade Calculations in PTP.  

❏     Items sync based on due date. So, if an item is associated with Q1 in Schoology (SGY) with a due date in the future, it may sync with a due date that places it in Q2 in PowerTeacher Pro (PTP). If an item does not have a due date/time, this will return with a sync error. 


❏     In SGY Grade Setup, please take note of whether Round Period/Final Grades is selected. PowerTeacher Pro doesn’t show decimal points, only entire numbers (e.g., 84, 90, 65…). 

❏     In Grade Setup, please also check to see if Weight Categories is selected. Make sure Weight Categories match with the ones on PowerTeacher Pro.  

❏      From the SGY Gradebook, select Bulk Edit from the overflow menu. Scroll through the items. Ensure that every assignment has a Factor of 1.00. A factor of zero means that the graded item has no weight in PowerTeacher Pro and won’t be included in the grade. 

❏     In the Bulk Edit area, ensure that every item is associated with the desired Category and Period

❏     Please note that if there are any unused categories in PowerTeacher Pro there is sometimes a discrepancy with how that part of the weight is calculated. Please inactive any unused categories as necessary.  

❏      Last, please make sure that under PowerSchool configuration your PowerTeacher Pro categories are mapped with SGY categories and check off the Automatic shorten assignments titles option.  


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