School Script for Guardian Contact Information

Tags Contacts

This article has been created to inform schools about the best practice for verifying contact information in PowerSchool. Please read the following information before proceeding further.

Keeping contact information current and preventing duplicate Contacts is a shared responsibility. It is strongly encouraged that schools follow these guideline scripts when interacting with a student's point of contact whenever possible.

Please select the following link to each of the possible scenarios you may face: 

1. Possible scenarios you may face
2. Scripts for these scenarios


Possible Scenarios

1. Duplicate Contact Records

Whilst we have done our best to eliminate duplicates in the data migration, there may be some instances where a contact record is duplicated, yet the information doesn't match.

2. Multiple Contact Items

Many contact records have multiple email addresses and phone number associated with them. The data migration will have carried over most of the original information and conditions but it is likely there are some which will have been missed.

3. Missing Contact Information

There may be gaps in a contact's record that were already there before the migration began, for example, missing phone number, email address, mailing address or any combination of the previous three.


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Script Samples

Email Addresses

If a contact has an email address, or there are multiple email addresses associated with the contact, verify which is the correct number:

Is still your primary email address?

If there is no address on the contact record, offer to add one to their record:

I see that you do not have an email address on file, would you like to add one?

Once this information has been obtained, note it down and continue with talking to them. It is strongly encouraged that you update the contact record in PowerSchool. Please follow the guidelines on adding or updating an email address.


Phone Numbers

If a contact has a phone number, or there are multiple phone numbers associated with the contact, verify which is the correct number:

Is 111-222-3333 still the best phone number to reach you on?

If there is no phone number on the contact record, offer to add one to their record:

I see that you do not have a mobile phone on file, would you like to add one?

Once this information has been obtained, note it down and continue with talking to them. It is strongly encouraged that you update the contact record in PowerSchool. Please follow the guidelines on adding or updating a phone number.


Mailing Addresses

If a contact has an address, no address, or there are multiple addresses associated with the contact, verify which is the correct number:

Is 1550, Main St, Springfield still the best address to reach you on?

If there is no address on the contact record, offer to add one to their record:

I see that you do not have an address on file, would you like to add one?

Once this information has been obtained, note it down and continue with talking to them. It is strongly encouraged that you update the contact record in PowerSchool. Please follow the guidelines on adding or updating a mailing address.


**PLEASE NOTE. If you are unable to update specific areas of a contact record - for example, the address fields are greyed out - it is likely that they are a Custodial / Guardian Contact. To request the updates needed submit a ticket through the link below to PACE.

PACE Contact Update Form


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