Popular Services
Support for SPS and non-M365 applications.
Support for SPS staff laptops, desktops, tablets, interactive boards, projectors, iPads, and document cameras.
Attachments, Attendance, Data Quality, Discipline, Enrollment and Assignments, Fees, Grading, Parent Portal, Mailing Labels, Night School, Scheduling, Student School Assignments, Student Success Plans, Summer School, and Transcripts.
Schedule a laptop appointment with SPS Technology Operations.
Support for security cameras hardware/software, access control systems, and alarm systems.
Support for internet access (Wi-Fi / Ethernet), Wi-Fi access for guests, and Global Protect VPN.
This ticket form is for support of MCAS, its administration and its testing application.
Support for Cisco phones / extensions, requests for new phone / extension, voicemail, and Fax machines.
Calculating Final Grades, Co-Teacher Access, Entering Grades, Report Missing Classes, Report Missing Students, and Setting up Gradebook.
Access, Request a New Report, Request a Change to an Existing Report, and Report Issues.
Support for Microsoft 365 (Office, Outlook, Teams, Yammer, OneDrive) applications.
This ticket form is for SPS staff to request the creation of an unofficial Microsoft Team for their use.
Access to the Purchase New Hardware service to view, download, and request quotes IS LIMITED TO Principals, Assistant Principals, Principal Clerks, and Technology Coordinators. If you are not a member of this group, please work with your school office to obtain a quote.
If you are a Principal, Assistant Principal, or Principal Clerk, please make sure you are using the web browser EDGE AND ARE LOGGED INTO THE SERVICE DESK (your name should appear in the upper right corner). If you are not logged in, please close your browser, reopen EDGE AND LOG IN, the option will now appear. Click Open Ticket to submit your request. Thank you.
This ticket form is for school administrators to submit a request(s) to appoint a staff member as the Technology Coordinator (CSTC/Stipend) of their building.
Insufficient funds message, Login issues with employee ID, No light on card reader, and Print release issues.
This request form is to request access for a guest to connect to the SPSWIFI-GUEST Wi-Fi network.
It is a priority for the Springfield Public Schools and OITA to ensure that schools and district departments are empowered to procure and use software that will support instructional and operational purposes. Considering the number of schools and departments as well as the diversity of needed software, this process and timeline define what is necessary to ensure that OITA can provide the necessary support.
This ticket form is to request an SPS Laptop for a non-SPS employee.
This request form requests the removal of a device from the SPS-BYOD Wi-Fi Network.